The Japanese secret to a long and happy life!

4 Phases of Morita Therapy

The 4 phases of morita therapy

<aside> ➖ $\small Naikan~ Meditation$

  1. What have I received from person X?
  2. What have I given to Person X?
  3. What problems have I caused person x? </aside>


Morita Therapy

“focuses on teaching patients to accept their emotions without trying to control them, since their feelings will change as a result of their actions”.

In Western Therapy

1. Accept Your Feelings

“We can’t control our emotions, but we can take charge of our actions every day.”

Chapter Overview

  1. The art of staying young while growing old
  2. Little things that add up to a long and happy life
  3. How to live longer and better by finding your purpose
  4. How to turn work and free time into spaces for growth
  5. Words of wisdom from the longest-living people
  6. Traditions and proverbs for happiness and longevity
  7. What the world's longest-living people eat and drink
  8. Exercises from the East that promote health and longevity
  9. How to face life's challenges without letting stress and worry age you


It is up to you to make discoveries through experiences

We are what we do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. ~ Aristotle

"In an increasingly unpredictable world moving ever more quickly, a detailed map may lead you deep into the woods at an unnecessarily high cost.

while the path to your goal may not be straight, you'll finish faster and more efficiently than you would have if you had trudged along a preplanned route.

The happiest people are not the ones who achieve the most. They are the ones who spend more time than others in a state of flow

The grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for

A wise person should not ignore life’s pleasures. A wise person can live with thses pleasures but should always remain conscious of how easy it is to be enslaved by them

walk slowly and you’ll go far

Ikigai Secrets




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Using flow to find your ikigai


<aside> 🔖 These seven conditions for achieving flow

  1. Knowing what to do
  2. Knowing how to do it
  3. Knowing how well you are doing
  4. Knowing where to go where navigation is involved)
  5. Perceiving significant challenges
  6. Perceiving significant skills
  7. Being free from distractions </aside>

Strategy 1: Slight Difficulty

Strategy 2: Clear & Concrete Objective

Strategy 3: Concentrate on a Single Task

Advantages of Flow Disadvantages of Distraction
A focused mind A wandering mind
Living in the present Thinking about the past and the future
We are free from worry
Concerns about our daily life and the people around us invade our thoughts
The hours fly by Every minute seems endless
We feel in control We lose control and fail to complete the task at hand, or other tasks or people keep us from our work
We prepare thoroughly We act without being prepared
We know what we should be doing W at any given moment We frequently get stuck and don't know how to proceed
Our mind is clear and overcomes all obstacles to the flow of thought We are plagued by doubts, concerns, and low self esteem
It's pleasant It's boring and exhausting
Our ego fades: We are not the ones controlling the activity or task we're doing_-the task is leading us Constant self-criticism: Our ego is present and we feel frustrated

Meaningful Statements



Ikigai Book

Your Ikigai